
More Color at 667

I finally had a weekend without work or a frisbee tournament. House project! David & I once again used Sunset magazine coupons to score free paint samples for our upstairs bathroom. I prepped & painted the first coat listening to NPR's Weekend Addition, Car Talk & the beginning of Wait, Wait, Don't Tell Me.

First coat.

KFOG and some White Stripes & Elvis Costello made the second coat seem super quick. Some tips though - your drop cloth should not be weaved, cause if it is, it's probably porous and when you step into the yogurt container that has become your paint can, paint soaks right through.

Our bathroom is now Spring Valley. It needs a little touch-up here & there as I also learned that even when you buy super good painting tape, you still have to do a really good job of getting all the edges really smooth.

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